Inspire Me
Comments 9

Why, Hello There…

As part of WordPress’s Blogging 101 challenge, we have to write a post about who we are and why we’re here. Ok, so Day 1 was 2 days ago, but here goes…

Who Am I Really?

I could start by telling you a list of things about me, like who I am and what I do in this world. But does any of that really matter?

Instead, I’d like to tell you about what moves me.

I’m inspired by beauty. It’s all around us, waiting to be seen. We just need to open our murky eyes, rub back the dirt, and look. Really look. I see it in people’s stolen smiles; I see it in trees, mountains, sunsets and cups of tea. Aaah… the beauty of it all.

I’m inspired by travel, exploring unknown lands. Spending some time there, maybe a few years, and uncovering the essence of the place. Getting to know the people, the food, and the culture. It’s all very exciting.

I’m moved by yoga. Everyday it gives back to me more and more. It teaches me. It grows me.

And lastly, I’m inspired by love. Not that big, grandiose idea of love (although that does inspire me too!), but the everyday kind of love I see around me. Random acts of kindness that are so beautiful it brings tears to your eyes. Love, whether from friends, family or strangers – it shows us how connected we all really are.

So, that’s me in a nutshell!

If any of this resonates with you, please join me in my adventures of blogging.
Let’s learn and grow together :)







  1. Very, very nice Samantha – I’m following you as part of Blogging 101 – I love positivity!

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