Month: April 2013

Into The Flow

Lately I’ve been trying to focus on being present. It comes in fleeting moments but these tiny moments are increasing a little day by day, and it feels good. When I feel a glimmer of doubt or fear or uncertainty about the future slip in, I try to remind myself that it simply originates from past experience and has no effect on the future. I bring myself back to the now. Instead of focusing on externals, I’m trying to live in a feeling state, observing how I feel and floating in the direction of positive emotion. As Esther Hicks (Abraham teachings) would say, it’s about going downstream, flowing with the current instead of resisting and fighting your way upstream. It’s allowing the unfolding of your desires to happen naturally. So instead of trying to plan too far ahead, I’m letting my emotions guide me and listening to subtle clues from the universe on where I’m supposed to be and what I’m supposed to be doing. Let’s see where it leads me :-)

The Time Is Now

Indeed a very special new moon arrives this Wednesday, 10 April 2013 (and not just because it’s my birthday… hehe). So, it’s in Aries the first sign of the zodiac and represents new beginnings, fast pace, enthusiasm and taking action. Astrologically, it’s the start of the new year. According to Susan Miller, “Aries is associated with all things new, and with forging a new path in unknown, untried territory. Aries is also a sign that excels with entrepreneurial enterprises, so you may be taking first steps to make your dream a reality.” And as an added punch, when the new moon enters Aries on Wednesday, it will be surrounded by a whopping 5 planets – the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Uranus! What does this mean for us? It begs us to look at our calling, our path, our passion. To connect with our personal goals and do something new. It’s about doing what feels individually right to you and not worrying about what others think you should go after (thanks to Uranus’s influence). Whats in …

To Connect

“You are imperfect, you are wired for struggle, but you are worthy of love and belonging.” ― Brené Brown I had the privilege of assisting at one of the Township Yogi classes held in Inanda last Saturday, and WOW what a humbling, inspiring experience. There were about 30 students ranging from 5 to 65 years old, mostly men and teenagers. I was blown away by the level of dedication from the budding new yogis and the degree of focus held throughout the class. It was beautiful to watch how as the class unfolded the students softened and the divide between us (the teachers) and them seemed to fade. It felt as if as they relied on us for guidance and assistance, they became more open and vulnerable, creating space for a little light to shine through. “Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.”  ― Brené Brown This reminded me of Brené Brown’s inspiring insights on vulnerability (watch her Ted Talk here) and how ““Courage starts with showing up and …

Sweet Sweet Coconut

I keep on telling my friends how amazing coconut oil is and how they must start using it. But the question begs… why? So what’s so great about Coconut Oil? Well it appears that not all oils are created the same. Coconut oil consists almost entirely of healthy medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs), which do not negatively influence blood cholesterol. Yes, I said do not negatively influence blood cholesterol! These MCFAs are used primarily as a source of energy in the body (we metabolise these fats in the liver, immediately converting them into energy rather than storing as fat), which in turn helps to increase our metabolism. Also Coconut Oil consists of roughly 50% lauric acid which has proven anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-prozotoal properties.  YES let’s kill those parasites, viruses and candida! What will it do for you? 1. Assists in weight control – According to Body & Soul, research shows that coconut oil consumption reduces abdominal fat and protects the body from insulin resistance. 2. Eases digestion – including bloating, IBS, etc. and helps to kill off yeast, …

Getting Back To Whole

Throughout my life (past 30 years) my diet has changed drastically. From being a child who was mildly addicted to sugar (I was the kid at the party you couldn’t keep away from the cakes) to growing up in a mostly healthy family. Well what we knew as healthy at the time – we didn’t eat much red meat, my mom grilled not fried, and of course everything was low-fat or fat-free. When I was about 25 I became vegetarian (vegan for a while) and this lasted for about 4/5 years until I moved to Japan. I was having digestive issues and non-existent periods which I thought were related to various factors. I then met a very interesting man, an ex-raw food proponent and chef  who was a Weston Price convert, and I learnt about the value of eating full fat and organic happy animal products. I adjusted my diet and definitely saw some positive results. I researched more and more into Paleo ways of eating and read books like Deep Nutrition (Dr Catherine Shanahan) that changed …