All posts filed under: Meditation

A Time To Let Loose

This Friday’s upcoming full moon in fun-loving Sagittarius should be called the party moon, and not the strawberry moon as it’s known in the U.S. In contrast to New Moons which represent rebirth and new beginnings, Full Moons embody clarity and obtainment of desire. Basically, every month we get a chance to hone in on our desires, figure out what we really want, and then plant them like seeds into the universe on the eve of New Moon. Then we wait patiently for our intentions to blossom, and on Full Moon simultaneously release what no longer serves us. Aren’t we lucky folk? The moon & me The moon cycles have always been a part of our lives and we can see her effects throughout nature and within ourselves. As Selacia describes on her blog, “The moon governs the natural world as well as our emotions, instincts, intuition, and unconscious. It is related to water, the element often described as being furthest from the rational realm.” We are of course made of 70% water, how can we not …

Wisdom from a Tree

I got chased out my apartment this morning by very loud drilling resonating from downstairs. There was just no way I could meditate at home, so I got dressed and headed out to the park. Even though I love meditating in the park, I was slightly annoyed. So off I trotted and found a spot of shade under a big, beautiful tree that I often meditate near. As I was about to begin, I couldn’t help but be disturbed by the obvious traffic noise beside me. I considered moving deeper into the park but it was already very sunny and hot and not much shade available. Then I thought maybe I should stick with this. I looked up at this big, sturdy tree in front of me and wondered how he manages to stay so calm amidst all the chaos. So strong, so serene, so steady. The complete opposite of me. I wanted some of that. And then it hit me. There’s always that quiet, peaceful place within us. I know people often say that, but have you ever …

The Power of ‘Shreem’

I’ve started doing my daily mantra meditation again and it feels good. Having experimented with  different mantras over the years, I seem to be pulled back to the one that my guru Christine (beautiful yogi and friend) gave me years ago. It was a gift offered to me after I completed by Yoga Teacher Training in 2008. At the time I was told that we shouldn’t share our special mantra with anyone as it would lose its power (I think this is traditional TM meditation practice), but I feel that the mantras are universal and all-powerful, so why can’t they be shared? We are, after all, one. What is Mantra Chanting Simply put, each mantra represents a certain sound frequency (energy) that dates back to ancient times. Mantras work on the principle of ‘like attracts like’, so the more you chant a specific mantra, the more those qualities will be developed in you. Mantras are vibrations, and as we know, we are made of energy, each vibrating at a different frequency – mantras have the power …

Deepak’s 21-Day Meditation Challenge

Deepak is doing it again…. this time he invites us to journey into our hearts with his free, three week guided meditation series focusing on Miraculous Relationships. “Fall in love with yourself. Fall in love with life.” I love Deepak Chopra and I love his teachings. I have read many of his books and done many of his 21-Day Mediation Challenges, taking something new from each one. Although I aim to meditate daily, sometimes this just doesn’t happen. I find that when I’m in a lull, doing Deepak’s Challenge is exactly what I need to get back into the swing of it. Give it a try, whether you’re a beginner or regular meditator you’ll love it. It’s not too late to join – register HERE See what Deepak has to say about the Science of Meditation: Oh and did I mention that I was lucky enough to meet Mr Chopra himself on a random train ride from Haridwar to Delhi back in 2010. He sat right next to me on the train and I got …

My Inentions for 2013 & beyond

Another year is upon us and I have high hopes for this one.  I can just feel it’s going to be a great year… a year of change, adventure and excitement. Now is a good time to reflect upon the previous year and so below are my 2012 Intentions. I prefer to set intentions rather than resolutions because everything starts with an intention. As Deepak Chopra explains, “Intention is the starting point of every spiritual path. It is the force that fulfills all of our needs, whether for money, relationships, spiritual awakening, or love. Intention generates all the activities in the universe. Everything that we can see – and even the things we cannot – are an expression of intention’s infinite organizing power.” I most certainly did not achieve all my intentions from last year :(  I didn’t do the 5 Tibetans daily or dance enough (actually hardly at all!). But I do feel like I explored the others… and I think that’s the whole point of intentions, the result/desire unfolds naturally as it should according to universal law – sometimes …

Hello New Earth

Ok I’m ready… it’s 21.12.2012 and in exactly 16 minutes (1:11pm SAST /11h11am GMT) I’ll join millions around the world meditating for love, awakening and global world peace. The purpose is to resonate the environment with positive vibrations and tune in to the influx of energy towards earth. It is said that the cosmic energies are aligning and our level of consciousness will increase. When millions of people meditate in unity, collective energy is amplified and anything becomes possible. Take a few moments and feel the eternal source that runs through you and everything on this planet. Feel the love that is here to be felt. Take it in and extend it to others. Visualise the world as you’d like it to be. Om Shanti Shanti Shanti x

Why I Meditate…

I meditate because: – when I don’t, I feel disconnected and get ever more caught up in my ‘monkey mind’ and all of its fears, uncertainties and contradictions – it sets the tone for the entire day. I seem to be able to handle situations better (not be so reactive), have more understanding and acceptance of people/situations and everything feels lighter and brighter – it is the only time (apart from sleeping) when we connect back to source, to our soul and universal consciousness. Everyday we live our lives distracted by the mind’s constant chattering… regrets about the past, worries about the future. Meditating brings us back into the present moment, it centres us and breeds clarity, opening us up to unimaginable spheres of love and creativity – it reminds me that we are all connected, everything and everyone on this planet. It helps reestablish that connection within me and brings about a sense of gratitude and appreciation of the beauty that surrounds me – of course it opens us up to new levels of …

The Magic Of Meditation

Candace Silvers inspires in this video taken from one of her free Friday sessions. Our world, that we each individually create and perceive, is full of infinite possibilities. If only we realised the power we have in creating our realities… there is no limit to what we can create, we just have to begin NOW. We can spend years trying to do something and never get anywhere. The key lies in making a commitment and doing instead of trying to do. Candace explains these concepts so beautifully in her videos – take a look here, I am sure you’ll feel as inspired as I do when I watch them.


Bodhi is both a Pali and a Sanskrit word meaning awakened, formed from the root word budh (to awake, become aware, notice, know or understand). Buddha having attained enlightenment, while sitting under the Bodhi Tree “Those who have attained enlightenment lose all sense of fear and worry. They’re no longer bothered by mundane matters and see the incredible potential available in each moment. They understand the way life works and the design of the infinite field that orchestrates the flow of energy, information and the countless intricate processes unfolding in every second. Recognizing that they’re an inseparable part of spirit or God, enlightened beings are lighthearted and joyful.” – Deepak Chopra

DEEPAK CHOPRA: 21 Day Meditation Challenge

This is a great way to learn how to start meditating with free guided meditations from Deepak Chopra himself. It’s one meditation a day for 21 days. The idea is to form a habit and after 21 days you’ll be able to see the benefits of meditating regularly. It’s also great for regular meditators. Have a look and register for free here, it starts today: Chopra Centre Meditation Challenge Happy meditating!